Monday, March 21, 2011



Alcohol Awareness was such a success for our crew here in Murun. There were many things we were able to accomplish together.

Things we did:

-Had a Poster Contest between the schools

-Met with the Mayor and all of the district social workers

-We got the Alcohol video played on the local television.

-We showed the alcohol movie to our students and counterparts and lead discussion.

-We visited every school in the community and shared out materials and gave presentations.

-We ended with a big all school community concert in the main theatre.

This week was an important week for me. Although, alcohol abuse is something that happens all around the world, its impact on the lives of many close to me had me motivated to work hard and bring awareness to the rising abuse in this city. I really enjoyed seeing the reactions of my students when the watched the movie. (which was in Mongolian) My music club students performed their hit song “Freedom” by Eddie James at the "Finale"(if you will). When teaching the song, I explained in my limited Mongolian that they are free to do many things with their lives. Moreover they have the choice to decline alcohol… It was a good week.

At my school I put up a poster that read “ It Ok to say NO”. The students really liked it and they did not take it down for weeks after. In the pictures you see my students the adult lady is my school training manager. The great thing about the current situation is that many young educated Mongolians are shying away from over consumption of alcohol. This is such a good thing.

Going into it, the first years (PCVs) of my crew, did not know what to expect and we were surprised to see how much support and work is already going forward on the alcohol abuse situation here. Next year will be a great year also.


What are your views on Alcohol consumption?

